So much for an easier ride today. Instead I got stuck into my first Zwift race in over 2 years(!)
There’s a lot to cover today, so let’s dive right in.

Well, I mean first up I cannot actually believe it’s over 2 years since my last Zwift race. Wow. If you’d asked me how long it had been, my best guess would have been a little over a year. It’s actually 2 years and 4 months (and 2 days, to be anal) … which is just absolutely nuts.
Let’s not leave it that long till the next one.

I knew the Tour of Makuri Islands was starting on the 3rd November. However I haven’t really read up on this years event. I did know it was pretty flexible in terms of how you can complete the stages.
For example it’s possible to do any of the stages however you like. A group ride, a workout, individually, or in my case today, as a race.
At least I think that’s right. As I say I’m not sure how you go about doing the rides as a free ride or whatever. But if you’re interested in that, I’m sure Zwift Insider or the Zwift forums will have plenty of detail to get you going.

When I looked on the Zwift app last night just before bed, I saw that you could do these events as races. Excellent. Have you ever noticed how some things seem much more appealing when it’s not the day when you actually have to do them?
I often feel like that about Zwift stuff. And then the day of the event rolls around and it’s like… oh, now I don’t feel quite so keen.
What I didn’t realise last night, and hadn’t even noticed until I started writing this up today is that there are two events:

It’s unusual because I did ride in the Category B race for event B… so I’m not any more the wiser what the heck is going on, even after the event.
Dare I say it, but classic Zwift.

When I’d looked last night I had seen the start time of 15:15 I think. In hindsight that would have been no good for me anyway. But all morning I had the prospect of a Zwift race on my mind, so in the end I decided to see if I could get it over with sooner rather than later.
Luck seemed to be on my side.
I looked at about 11:30, seeing that the next Stage 1 event began at 12:15. Perfect.
I got my kit ready, and finished off the other task I was doing and was on the bike with about 10 minutes to spare. Not perfect, but a good enough chance to do a warm up with Coco.
This led to by far the biggest mistake today.
By the time I got in game and pedalling, I had about 5 minutes left before the event started. I figured I’d sit in with Coco at cat C pace for ~4 minutes, then jump over and be pretty much still spinning as we hit the GO GO GO.
Alas, not so.
I left it too late… and by the time I’d jumped from Watopia to Makuri the event had already started. How annoying.

I tried my best to make up the lost time by giving myself a hard start with the aim of catching up some back markers.
As there was only ~64 people in the event including me, the chances of actually catching any of the larger groups was out of the question.
After the initial disappointment of realising I’d missed the start and that I’d not get a “proper” race, I settled in with the goal of simply completing the event and seeing how many places I could pull back. After all, this was still a race and could be used as a solid workout.

A small number at the back seemed to be wanting to give it a decent shot. These guys became my marker posts.
With a brief scan of the route pre-ride I knew there was only one climb in this route. That came within the first third.
However, I didn’t know quite how long it went for… and admittedly forgot about the little route gradient thing in the top right until I was well into the effort. I misjudged this and the person sat on my wheel then showed me the error of my ways by dropping me hard.

A short while after the climb I managed to catch him back up.
However, I was under no illusion that was because he’d let me. I’m guessing as he got ahead there was no one up the road to work with to have any possibility of getting on to the back of the group ahead, so he saw me flogging my guts to try to make up some spots and eased off a little in the hope he might be able to work with me to do something.
The problem was I’d maxed myself to catch him back up.
By the time I got up to him I was dead. He kindly pulled me along for a while but when it was my turn to go up front I had nothing. No doubt frustrating for him, and no way for me to say hey, I am at my limit here just staying level.

And so I once again got dropped.
There was then a lull around the 7km to 3km remaining part of the race where I was suffering hard. Just keep the legs turning. It will soon be over.
During this time I could see the pack ahead of the pair of us was gaining 6s every kilometre. Pretty crazy.
Basically they would end up doing a full minute less work over the course of the race than the solo riders.

Around the 3km mark I managed to catch him up again.
I was under no illusions though, he’d let me.
That didn’t stop me from using my draft van power up to try to recover as best I could for what I’d still try to make into a sprint finish.
Hey, this was a race. It brings out my online gaming competitive side. Friends until the end, then it’s every man for himself.

Of course I knew he’d beat me.
I had nothing left. My legs were spent, my heart rate was already in the 190’s… I’d give it my best but I wasn’t expecting to pip him at the line.

Somehow I’d managed the impossible:
Finishing 87th when at the start the Zwift sidebar had told me only 64 riders were on, and I certainly hadn’t seen 20 or so other people pass me along the way.
Anyway, whilst it was definitely disappointing not to be in the thick of the real action, it was a really fun event all the same.
We had our own race at the back, or at least I did.

I gave this one my absolute all.
The critical power stats below tell the story.
I thought it was funny how the Garmin said I’d need 4 days recovery. I don’t often agree with its suggestions but on this occasion we were definitely on the same page.

Whilst not my best 20 minute time I was really happy with putting down my best overall 10 and 30 minute efforts during this one.
It felt like I had.
Looking at the Strava stats I sat at 181bpm average with a max of 195bpm.

I always know it’s been a hard ride when I’m over 400 calories at the 30 minute mark. Today I was well passed that.
Overall it reminded me of why I love Zwift racing.
As I said at the start it’s nuts it has been 2 years since my last outing. It’s genuinely the best part of Zwift. It’s what all the other hard work is about.
Sure, I couldn’t do this ever day. But I definitely ought to be doing it once a week.
I mean… it’s where the fun is at.
Next up then, I might take in the 30km ride but at a much more relaxed pace. Let’s see.