Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here.

Frankly a pretty disasterous week.
It started off well, but on Wednesday night I smacked my head really bad and that was the end of everything from then on.
We’ll start with the good, and then get on to the bruised egg.
Here are this week’s rides:
- Tuesday – 98%
- Wednesday – Endurance In Many Ways

As I say, things started well.
I got back to 98% in the SST session, and whilst it was a challenge (as ever), I definitely felt like that was my best SST session in as far back as I could recall. A tough ride, but I was able to get through it without ever wanting to quit.
Then Wednesday, I spent an hour at an easier pace preparing for Thursday’s return to Zwift racing.
There isn’t a huge amount to say about that, just an hours endurance riding.
And then…

So on Wednesday night I was playing with my youngest, chimping about the house, and long story short, I jumped into a doorframe.
My height being about 5′ 10, and the doorframe being very low at that point, at about 6 foot, it was a full on jump cut brutally short, by my noggin, 2 inches later.
Well, that was the end of my week.
I was down and out, and it’s been throbbing ever since. Nearing a week later, the scabbing is reducing, and what little swelling there was has now gone, but I have been dizzy and with headaches every day since.
Again, all fading now, thank God. I don’t think it’s anything serious, but exercise was done and dusted from then on.

The plan then is to pick up with something light tomorrow.
I’ll start the week with an endurance ride and assess how I feel after this.
Worst case, I will keep endurance riding.
Best case, I will pick a more intensive workout and keep on plodding up.
I’m honestly very disappointed with it all because progress was going so well and now it feels like a pretty big set back. We shall have to play it by ear and see what happens.

So the plan for the week ahead is covered, but hopefully that will change a bit as I improve.
I am hopefully not going to miss the first of the Zwift Games.
Anyway, what a bummer, eh?