A slight deviation to the usual format for this one.
The gist of it is I got poorly last week. I managed one ride, and at the time I felt like I was lacking energy going into the ride. As such I did an easy hour, which in hindsight probably only furthered the illnesses progress.
I reckon I have covid right now – but frankly who tests anymore?

Symptoms are really awful headaches (comes and goes), sore throat (seems to have gone as of this morning thankfully), dizziness (again, went last week), fever, and a terrible cough.
Of all of those, the fever has been worse at night, but the last I had it was Saturday so maybe that’s gone now.
I still have the awful headache. It’s sharp, the best I can describe it is like someone has taken a spade and rammed it full force into my face – the curved edge as it seems to start on the left side and cut across my face, right at the front. Tablets kind of help, but only for a few hours.
The cough is bad after any kind of movement.
Overall, pretty crappy. It might not be covid. I know a lot of people – including my youngest, who I pretty much am certain I caught this from – who have been all around the country who have either had this, or know of people who have had it. I guess it’s just doing the rounds.
No idea if I will be riding at any point this week. Main thing is get better without prolonging it.