Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here.

Whilst this week looks like a busy one, when the metrics are evaluated there wasn’t much difference to any other week.
The interesting thing really about this week was that I challenged myself to see the Zwift Academy 2022 through from start to finish. I wasn’t quite sure if I’d manage it, but in the end I did.
However, that did mean doing the shorter workouts in order to fit everything in. Looking at the longer variants, I don’t think I missed out on much though.
Here are this week’s rides:
- Tuesday – Zwift Academy Road 2022: Baseline Ride
- Wednesday – Zwift Academy Road: Workout 2 | FTP Short Blocks in New York
- Thursday – Zwift Academy Road: [Short] Workout 3 | The Volcano
- Thursday – Zwift Academy Road: [Short] Workout 4 | Depleting Workout
- Saturday – Zwift Academy Road: [Short] Workout 5 | Pyramids
- Saturday – Zwift Academy Road: [Short] Workout 6 | Push the Pain Barrier
- Sunday – Zwift Academy Road 2022: Finish Line Ride
On completing the Base Line ride I was, apparently, supposed to receive an email where the computer brains at Zwift had analysed my ride and determined my phenotype.
I never got that email, and truthfully I forgot all about it after Tuesday.
Whilst on my dinner break today I received an email from Zwift which I’ve cut / pasted above. Sorry about the formatting.
Anyway, it turns out they think I’m a pursuiter. However, they have a page about Phenotypes and here’s the interesting bits from my pov:

The first screenshot is what a Pursuiter is, and the second is what are the strengths / weaknesses.
I’m not sure I feel the same about the kryptonite comment.
I guess at the end of the day it’s all fun trivia, but I’m nothing more than a keen hobbyist. It doesn’t matter what I’m good or bad at, so long as I enjoy it.
And I did enjoy the week. It was great to have structure, and even more fun not to be at risk of being run over by a car or angry lorry driver.
I’m really glad to have managed to make my way through all the sessions in a limited time frame and get stuck back in to Zwift good and proper.

The question now is what to do next.
I’ve already said I will do the longer variations of the ZA2022 workouts, but I’m not going to prioritise them over other things.
I’m hoping to structure my weeks similarly to how I was doing outdoors.
That means two hard week day efforts, and a more tempo or endurance effort sandwiched between.
Whether that means a hard workout or a race, I don’t know yet. But I am keen to get racing.

On the weight front the last few days I’ve been continually trending upwards. I couldn’t say why as nothing has changed.
Actually that may not be quite true – the one thing that has changed is to move indoors, and the Garmin graph above does show a down trend in the overall training load.
But still, I hover between 67 and 68kg, and have Zwift set at 68kg, so no changes required.

Ideally I’d like to get stuck into some kind of event series. I haven’t yet had a look at what’s on, and I can’t commit to a full months schedule as I have other commitments later this month that would screw that up.
However, as above, the plan is to do basically the same schedule as I was on outdoors.
But yeah, overall a good week. Feels good to have said I’ll do something and seen it through from start to finish.