Perhaps I should have stayed in today. It wasn’t particularly nice out, but I have spent all week inside and it’s driving me a little stir crazy. As the rain had stopped, I decided what the heck, why not go out and get dirty, but get some fresh air? So, off I went.
What I will say is I didn’t get any arm pain. That’s a result, and better than expected. I did get filthy, though. Also, I couldn’t find it within myself to do very much. I decided to do an hour and just see where I got. As such my route was quite stop / start, meandering in places, and whilst I ventured down some paths I haven’t been before, nothing truly exciting happened.
About the only positive thing to happen today was the hours exercise. Better than nothing. But at ~450 calories on the hour… not that much better.
As it stands, my bike is absolutely filthy dirty. If the weather tomorrow remains as it is currently, I’m going to do an hour or so on Zwift and call it a week. Certainly not a great week, and I don’t know what has to happen change where I’m at mentally. Maybe some sun. Maybe if I can get out with just a jersey and a base layer, I won’t feel so hot, and I’ll maybe want to push that bit harder.