A week off on holiday, combined with a a fairly lacklustre Quarter 1 did not bode well for completing an SST session.
Certainly not at 100% FTP (which I think I am quite a bit below now).

But in traditional Chris fashion, I over estimated my abilities – a bit like my previous run – and whilst I was not so rash as to think I could get through a 100% effort, I found that 97% was still too much for me today.
After just 15 minutes I was shot. I knew I could probably push through another 5, maybe 10 minutes, but finishing was going to be a big ask.
It’s annoying really. It’s not unexpected, or surprising. But it’s frustrating. I’ve lost so much fitness, but it’s all on me. And I can get it back – just need to ride a lot more. Which is no bad thing.
Anyway after cancelling the remaining workout blocks I stuck it out for about the length of the SST session – work required I was on a meeting so I couldn’t be an indefinite amount of time – and I did some free riding.

Of this, I did two climbs up the Watopia Hilly KOM.
The first time I tried to average 4w/kg.
The second time, which I hadn’t planned on doing, I went into not expecting too much from myself. However, with the combination of my on-screen previous effort ghost rider, and knowing I had to get off shortly after, I tried harder than I would have expected and came in only a few seconds down on that first effort, which I was pleased about.

But yeah. Overall not a great performance. Right now I think I need to get time in. What kind of riding I’m doing probably isn’t that important, I just need to be riding. Once I’ve found my legs again, I can think about getting back to some structured riding.