For some reason I must have Zwift set to Lettuce Express when it comes to the Paris map. I’m not aware that it ‘remembers’ my last route, but for some reason, with Paris, it always puts me on the reverse lap. How odd.
Anyway, things didn’t quite go to plan this morning. Normally on a Sunday I’d love to get outdoors. With a punctured tyre and no sign, yet, of my replacement inner tube, I was consigned to the turbo. That’s actually probably a blessing in disguise, as the snow is now here in full force… and for sure I would have been out there in it, had I not been forced indoors.
I’d moaned about having tired legs yesterday, and then today, as I sat having a pre-ride cup of coffee I felt that twinge again. The tiredness. Probably best not to do the next Norseman ride then, even if it meant having not done my week’s workout as planned.
Speaking of the plan though, I didn’t expect to get outdoors three times this week. So my riding was probably more intense than if I’d been on Zwift mostly / fully. Therefore I’m not beating myself up about it. That also means I haven’t had an easier ride all week… I corrected that today.
One thing I had in mind today was to do about 1.5 hours to work up enough of a calorie deficit to head out for a restaurant meal at dinner time. Well, aside from the snow being a bit off putting in a long drive to Southport, I was dutifully informed that we had a puncture on the car … so that put paid to both my meal out, and my longer bike ride. I had the RAC to sort out.
Two punctures in one week? The odds…
Aside from that, this one was easy going. And for once not quite as boring as usual. Not sure why. Maybe it was my rock anthem playlist, or maybe it’s just the joys of having very little else to do on a Sunday morning than turn over those pedals. Well, aside from wait for the RAC man and his van.
Regardless of when my bike gets fixed, I doubt I’ll be outdoors for a while now. Winter feels fast approaching, even if we are just under a month away from it officially starting. I’d expect to be indoors now, mostly, until some time around February.
All in then, not a bad ride today. Not a hard one. A nice one to end the week on, and with how twitchy my right knee is feeling, I’m guessing a smart one to boot.