Whilst physically tired and mentally drained, I am nevertheless in an upbeat mood. And no, it’s not because I only have 7 more days of riding until I can take a well earned few festive rest days.
It’s because I’ve decided to call it quits on the day job that has been making me miserable. I was finishing on Tuesday for 2.5 weeks, and then I would only have had 5 weeks left on the contract anyway, but after I was told to **** off on Friday, I decided to take the chump up on his offer and jack it in early.
The weight off my mind is surreal. What an awful situation to have put myself in. Frankly I’m surprised I put up with that for as long as I did.

Now this is all quite personal and what not, and it’s a bit of a strange thing to share on a cycling blog. But hear me out. The reason why I’m sharing this stuff is because, often, cycling helps me get through a lot of bad stuff.
There’s a solitary aspect to cycling, a lot of time for self reflection, processing of thoughts, and also working at an elevated intensity to de-stress. I think racing in particular has given me a way to release a lot of my pent up anxiety and tension that I’ve been suffering from at work.
I know I’m swapping one set of stress for another (finding a new job in terrible market conditions), but I feel it’s the lesser of two evils.

I guess I needed to get this off my chest.
Not sure what to do tomorrow honestly. With a race coming on Tuesday I’m thinking I need something light. For now though I think I’ll leave choosing anything specific and figure it out tomorrow morning.
Sounds like the universe is telling you to move down to paradise 😉 plenty of work down here. Was the guy surprised when you told him to stick his code where the sun dont shine?
The universe may be, but the immigration rules have other ideas 😀 They’re designed to keep reprobates such as myself well away.
Honestly, no idea whether he was surprised. I didn’t speak to him and have no intentions of doing so. Fortunately it was a big government gig so there were plenty of other bods to sort things out. Sucks though truthfully as I reckon it’s going to be 6+ weeks before I find another gig, and that’s a lot of lost money.
Oh well, seems you have a big set of brass balls! Hopefully it all works out for you.
😀 It’s their heft that slows me down in races.
It will all be fine honestly, life’s too short and as a contractor I’m more than used to having to look for / apply to new jobs.
On we go!
Have a great Christmas & New Years if I don’t hear from you before 🙂 Is it true that Australians have their Christmas on the beach as a BBQ? Is that something that also happens in Paradise? I can’t really imagine a hot Christmas.