Whilst not a 20 minute PB today, I did manage a 30 minute PB, which definitely shows improvement in my fitness. Really happy with that. I worked for it for sure.
I didn’t have a ride plan in mind when heading out, but usually once warmed up I try for a solid 20 minute effort. Today I kept going.

The only real downsides today were both tractor related. I try to keep off the busy main roads, which means country side lanes are the place to be. Usually they are quiet, which can be a danger in itself really as that can mean the few cars there are tend to be going fast.
Today I had a tractor pull out on me. He watched me come, then when I got close, he decided that yes, he had sufficient time to pull out along with his big stinking trailer. No sir, you did not. I had to come to a stand still. He didn’t care.

After that, very shortly after, just a bit further along the same road, I was going up a hill over the motorway and another tractor decided that overtaking me, with another car on the other side, would be a perfect maneuver. That was so scary I actually came to a full stop and dragged myself on to the pavement. I hope he got wherever he needed to be in such a hurry. What a complete tit.
Fortunately the rest of the ride went fine, and as I say I was pleased with my effort.