Whether or not my aggravated lungs have anything to do with yesterday’s (and today’s) bike riding is pure speculation.
What I do know is my coughing has worsened today. It’s kinda odd. I had the main symptoms of covid what must be two weeks ago at this point, so to get the cough now feels unfair. But when has life ever been fair?
Regardless, I said I would ride today, and I did.

Probably another stupid decision, but I’ve committed to it. I do know that I’m struggling. I struggled yesterday, and I struggled today. I can push, but not for long. So picking a 2.8w/kg pace partner ride was possibly a little ambitious. I mean, I got through it, but boy, what a slog.
That’s not actually how the ride started.
I began over on MyWhoosh, testing out their new MyWhoosh Link app – think the Zwift Companion App, but for, well, MyWhoosh. It launched yesterday, I believe.
The app worked fine.
Sadly the game crashed 15 minutes in.
I’ve read plenty of war stories from riders on MyWhoosh where the game has crashed and they lost their stats entirely. Fortunately with the Garmin tracking the ride like I always do, I have a pretty rock solid fall back. It doesn’t track the same distance – always the games show more distance than the Garmin – but it tracks the time, and the amount of work I got through. Aka, the important stuff.
I’d intended just to free-ride today.
I was going to do a light workout, but I figured why not just explore at my own pace. That way if I did have a coughing fit I could ease off and not bodge the whole thing.
Anyway, like I say, it crashed.
So I went over to Zwift and picked up a pace partner ride around the Volcano Circuit.
I wanted to get in a solid hour, and the pace was perhaps just a little on the high side. I wasn’t struggling to match the pace, but whether it was the right pace for how my body is feeling right now is the question.
Anyway, here we are. I only just discovered it’s a 4 day week this week, work-wise. I thought that was next week. I got a decision to make as to whether to ride tomorrow, or skip it and go out on Friday. A quick glance at the forecast shows a wet Friday and Saturday, and a (so far) dry Sunday and Monday. I might have the adapt.