Well, what a frustrating morning.
I’d been asked to go on a Podcast several weeks ago, and I kept delaying it due to nerves. This isn’t related to cycling, but to software development (my day job / other life).
Long story short, I put it off a couple of times, and then finally I thought heck, why not?
So I booked it in for 11am this morning.
Anyway, it’s been on my mind, as these things are, what to say, what do I possibly have to share that is of any interest to anyone else, etc. Which has led to several bad night’s sleep, as you can no doubt imagine.
This morning, I decided I couldn’t concentrate on anything sufficiently, so would get my bike ride in at 09:30, aiming to be off by 10:30 (ish), showered, and ready to roll for 11.
I was only on for an easy ride today. I put on the GCN Show for the first half, and figured if I kept my feet fairly still (which sounds weird, when cycling) then the blister wasn’t rubbing bad enough to stop me from riding.

After the GCN Show finished, I checked my emails.
Well, I had an email about my new job role – yet another one asking for a ton of information. That was the first frustrating part. Fortunately, being a recovery ride I had my laptop right in front of me so spent 15 minutes finding yet more information and replying to emails. But it still frustrated me as it’s all info I have already provided. Yet more delays.
So I finished up the ride, stressed because of that. Stressed knowing now it’s likely I still won’t be starting on Monday… It sounds lovely to have weeks / months of holidays, but honestly I’m bored stiff. Also some money would be nice.
After the ride I got off, whinged to my wife about that email, went for my shower, then came back and settled down for the Podcast.
Well, I was there at 11am, but the host wasn’t.
I waited ten minutes, whinged more to my wife, then gave up. So a ton of wasted time / sleep / mental prep there.
And then two minutes after 11:10 (when I’d given up waiting on the podcast), I got an email from the recruiter saying actually, no, it’s all fine. All the info is good, so things are progressing.
So literally two big balls of stress for naught.
How’s your morning?