Problems about today, at least where Zwift’s companion app were concerned. For the second time in recent memory the app wouldn’t seem to pair with the game, so I had no way to screenshot and what not.
And yet, somehow, I managed to get the screenshot above. That’s weird. Really weird.
But the ones below – that’s easy to explain: I took them at the end of the ride when I was at my real keyboard and could press F10.
A real mystery. Ghostly, even.
Thing is, I just am not feeling it this week. I don’t know if it’s being trapped inside due to continual wet weather, or just feeling flabby after last weekends over indulging.
Whatever it is, I just cannot seem to get motivated to work hard. To push beyond the usual easy rides and get out of my comfort zone. Heck, I only managed to do that yesterday because I knew it would be over in 20 minutes.
So I’m trying not to feel too down about it. Ultimately any time on the bike is better than none, right? Even if it’s an easy ride, it’s better than spending the equivalent amount of time on the sofa. I guess I just expect more from myself. I know I’m capable of it, and that’s what makes me feel bad for not trying harder.