Two rest days in a row. What an absolute luxury. That said, I feel I needed them to get my body back up to its usual temperature after being so cold after Sunday’s ride 🥶
Actually I was pretty knackered after Sunday. That night my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light, but sadly feel like no sooner had my eyes shut were they pinging open again to start Monday.
Monday is (almost) always a rest day for me, and yesterday was a big day for the project I am working on at work, so I didn’t get finished till 5.30pm. Anyway, I was thinking I’d likely have the day off, even if I hadn’t had my hand forced. Later in the evening I was feeling like I wished I’d done something all the same, but it would definitely have been something easy.
With that in mind I started my week off today with one of the FTP Builder longer blue zone rides. It’s not quite active recovery (as I know now) but rather endurance. 10 minutes at 150w, repeated five times. Nothing strenous.
In truth I probably could have headed outdoors today. The weather was certainly nice enough for it – with the grey gloom getting out of the way before my eyes not 10 minutes into the indoor session. But still, as far as effort on the legs go it would almost certainly have been more stressful to go out than stay in, where ERG can keep me in check.
The plan, as it stands, is to do something tomorrow and Friday. I’m not being overly fussed on what that is. I’ve been sent an email from RGT Cycling with a password reset and also info regarding a trial paid subscription, so I’m keen to check that out. All being well, I’ll get into that tomorrow unless the weather holds out and then I might go outdoors.