For this afternoon’s ride I had two goals:
- Ride over 37km
- Don’t thrash myself
As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m now using the FTP Builder rides predominantly as recovery rides, and will use other, harder workouts to push myself towards improving my overall FTP ‘score’.

This ride was pretty dull to be fair.
I opted for Fuego Flats, simply as it is so flat and therefore the easiest of routes to clock up some distance on without slowing down for hills.
The goal was to burn down the remaining ~37km and hit the 100km weekly riding goal, if at all possible, during this ride.
However I want to do a climb tomorrow, so wanted to save my legs whilst doing so.
In truth, the majority of this ride was spent out of Zwift. I put on YouTube and pedaled away, using the App to monitor my workout.
As I had some family duties to attend to immediately after the workout (actually, before my workout would be over) I decided to skip the wholly unnecessary 10 minute at 100w block after the first 25 minutes.
Using the App, I simply skipped this block almost as quickly as it started, dropping myself in to the next 25 minutes “on” block.
Again, once done, I toggled out of Zwift and got back to watching YouTube.
I was trying to keep my cadence around 95rpm, though found myself more commonly around 100rpm. This is still something I need to work on.
Overall I felt absolutely fine in this ride. No stiffness, no tension, nothing to really write home about either way.

As the workout was coming to an end, I still hadn’t hit the 37km riding goal.
Seeing a sprint ahead, I decided to pause the workout and have a smash at it. Not the best way to cool down, admittedly, but a fast way to burn down half a kilometer.

Crossing the Fuego Flats sprint finish line, I claimed a new 30 day PR but according to Strava, only my third best performance overall.
As soon as I hit the finish line I also hit my 100km riding goal.
These things are like buses.
With that done, workout resumed, and within a minute or so I’d hit the end of the ride.
Good timing as I was about 10 minutes late being due off the bike.

As already stated, nothing major on this ride to report on.
Hitting 550 calories was a decent way to use an hour.

I’m expecting tomorrow’s ride to be considerably more challenging.

Hopefully I don’t hit on any crazy bugs. I’m going to do a climb on RGT Cycling.

The aim for this climb is to stay at or around FTP for as long as physically possible, though I have no idea how achievable this will be. I’ve already said previously that I feel RGT Cycling is harder than Zwift. Maybe this one will be more difficult than I already expect it to be.

We shall see.