A really easy ride today. The last couple of days of long travel and sleepless nights have taken it out of me. I didn’t even want to do this ride, but in my head I had built it up to be harder than it actually was.
Somewhat annoyingly, this has been a really nice day outside. And of all the days to pick one to ride indoors, it irks me that I stayed in and sweated it out, over going out and enjoying the sun. But it was a better idea to control the effort than head out and do more than I should.
Mostly I worked through this one.

There’s not a huge right lot to say other than that.
We have the 3 day Bank Holiday weekend ahead, so I’m hoping to get some decent rides in over that one. Not sure what the weather is like – probably not good, as per.
I wish tomorrow was a rest day honestly. Mentally it sure feels like I need one.