Today’s ride was a two fold thing. Get in an hour on the bike to meet my weekly targets, and also test out the new MyWhoosh v3.6.0 changes, of which there are several.
I was due to do this on Tuesday but the electrician turned up and knocked off the power for two hours, then yesterday was Zwift Racing, and so here we are, two days late.
For the ride itself, this one was pretty standard. It’s one hour in total, with 52 minutes at endurance / 67% FTP.

As such I brought my laptop with me, as getting through an hour without something to keep me busy drives me mad.
But the main thing was to see how the new MyWhoosh achievements feature worked, and what achievements I could unlock whilst doing a workout.
Whilst I did get a bunch, I am unsure exactly which ones I got as I wasn’t always paying attention, and the ones I did get I was too slow to screen capture for most of them.

I expected to get an achievement for completing the route – I’d picked Kluisbergen in Belgium – and for completing the specific workout. If I did get them, I didn’t see it.
I did see achievements for:
- Reaching 20kph
- Reaching 40kph
- Climbing 100m in a ride
- Riding for 20km

I would have expected to get a 30km achievement but I finished at 28.6km, and finished the workout on a big climb which would have been a slog to get up to see out the final 1.5km. Another day for that one.
On the ride I earned 2000 coins as well, which I haven’t yet looked into spending. I do know they dropped all the kit / bikes I had access too, so now I look like a real newb. Perhaps I should buy some hair and a new pair of underpants to make my man look far sexier.
Anyway frankly I am glad my weekday rides are done. I want a break. Saturday is almost certainly going to be a run, and I’m trying to aim for 8km or, ideally, 45 minutes solid running. Quite looking forwards to that, perversely. How times have changed.