Today’s ride was intentionally on the easy end of the spectrum. So easy, in fact, that Zwift rated my custom workout as a 1 out 5 in terms of intensity.
I actually messed up a bit when hastily creating this workout and it turns out that the warm up and cool down go to a higher intensity than the main block itself. Whoops.

Anyway, not a huge lot to talk about here. I was on the bike late because I was in meetings from 9.30 till 2pm. In my head I’d wanted to get on the bike at 12 noon, but still do something similar. But no, meetings meetings all day long, so I got this one in when I could.
No big deal.

As I say, intentionally easy because Saturday’s ride is an absolute beast. Stage 3 of the Tour of Watopia 2023 is looking like a challenge. However, I do have a takeaway curry to look forwards to shortly after. Got to have an end goal in mind.
Until Saturday then.