Oh dear, oh dear. Whilst I was away in Scotland over the weekend, I managed to severely bugger up my toe. I don’t think that’s the technical medical terminology, but it’s the way I’d describe it to a fellow Northerner.
To set the scene, when I got home yesterday my toe had swollen up to a lovely red hue, and then when I put my sandal on and put a tad of pressure on it, the whole thing kinda… burst?
Yes, it was delightful, I assure you.
And very painful.
Anyway, the thought of doing exercise on said toe wasn’t thrilling to me. But, as seems to (mostly) always miraculously be the case, when I slipped my cycling shoe on, it didn’t rub or hurt or chafe in any particularly painful way. So on I went.
For this one I decided I’d go free form. Something I’ve not done in ages.
This was partly because I couldn’t be bothered with a workout, partly because I figured I might need to end my ride prematurely, and partly because I needed to be at the pharmacist before 6pm to pick up the antibiotics for my toe.
Anyway, the ride went fine enough. I didn’t complete the full circuit, sadly, but I’ll take 28km and anything over 500 calories as a win.
By the time I got off the bike it was 17:47, giving me a solid 13 minutes to shower, dress, and nail it to the pharmacy.
Shower skipped, because time, I was still visibly sweating as I went inside to pick up my prescription. I think if I’d have coughed they might have fainted – such was the look of worry in both of their eyes. No covid here, I’ve already had it!
That’s one ride down. Many more to go. The week has just begun.