Sick and tired of being inside almost 24/7, today I chanced my arm at an afternoon outdoor ride.
The weather forecast app on my phone led me right up the garden path. No rain until 6pm allegedly. It started raining within 5km of my house, and pretty much didn’t stop all ride. Fortunately it was largely just drizzle, but even so, it was my first ride in the rain and I can tell you for free, I prefer the sun.
For this ride I plotted a 30km route out towards Longridge, but not the typical way I go. Instead I went via a rather long and in parts, busy and fast moving A road. By and large this was fine, with the exception of many stops for road works, and one old lady getting far too close to me as she past. Expletives were given though fortunately for her, she had driven off with her windows up, because of the aforementioned rain.
About 17km in I had a climb planned. I’d misjudged my map making skills in Garmin Connect and it wasn’t where I was thinking it was. Instead it was the Knowle Green climb I’ve done before. Last time, however, it was on a supremely hot day. And also last time I carried on rather than turning off half way up. No regrets.
I’d almost gone out in bib shorts and short sleeves today. That would have been a very chilly disaster. As it was I was fine enough in my bib tights and long sleeve but I got caked in filth going through big farm puddles. Washing the bike off in the rain when I got home was a real treat.
Next up is Zwift’s (actually new this time) France map. It’s looking like Sunday is the best time for me at present, so most likely a GTA 5 Cycling session on Saturday. Still some bugs to work through on that front.
Until then I’m resting up a bit. I’m probably in need of a recovery ride at this point. Not looking likely though at this point.