Phew, what an absolute scorcher of a day. I think, though I don’t know for absolute certain, that today was the hottest day of the year up where I live. A steady 26c from about 11am onwards. As I normally work Saturday mornings, that meant I missed any opportunity to get out before the sun got too hot.
Instead, I decided to go out for a late evening ride. Not ideal, because it means I had to ride after a meal when I’d also had a glass of wine and a beer. But such is life. And the alternative is I would have missed a day, which I didn’t want to do.
So, out I went.
And actually, it was a really pleasant evening ride. I think that has to be one of the latest rides I’ve done, but visibility was no bother, and temperature wise, it was just about right. A little hot, but not unbearable.

Due to the route I chose having a road closure, I had the country roads mostly too myself. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, my Garmin ran out of charge early on in the ride and went into power saver mode. Fortunately this meant I didn’t lose any stats at the end of the ride, but it did mean I was cycling blind, so to speak.
I knew the route would be approximately twenty kilometres, and though I could only roughly judge my pace, I felt I was going about right. The metrics at the end proved I was on track with feelings alone.
Anyway, that’s it for today. It’s still too hot to be at my computer so I’m keeping it brief. The plan is to get out early doors tomorrow and miss the crazy heat – it’s due to be even hotter tomorrow. Good lord.