Run 2 then. Not technically run 2, but my second run in so long that it might as well be. It is my second run of the Tour de Zwift, and it’s taken me so long to recover since the first run, then subsequently twisting my knee, then being smacked down with a multi day persistent headache that I missed the second event of the TdZ so here I am, resuming on event number 3.
Going to be a fun make up week.

Anyway things were better prepared today. In the interim between now and my last run I’ve managed to buy some proper running trainers and installed the Zwift Runn on the treadmill. Basically this is an in place device that uses little tabs you stick to the treadmill belt every 18 inches and then it accurately monitors the tabs passing under the sensor and figures out your speed. It’s far more consistent than the Zwift Run Pod, which by comparison is utter junk.

Today was my first time using it since installing the device last Wednesday. After my last run I could barely walk for 3 days in a row. I kinda remember being this badly stricken after starting cycling several years ago. Back then my office was upstairs so it was a real chore ascending and descending. Fortunately I’m now downstairs but even so I’m hobbling like a grandad. And I think today’s run has reset me back to that state once more. However I did do plenty of stretching before and after, so combined with it being my second attempt I’m hoping for only two days punishment, not three. Also no stairs. Except at kids bed time.

The plan then today was pretty simple: get in under 30 minutes for a 5km run.
After last time I knew I had to consistently hit 10kph. Yes, maths is my strong suit. So I set the treddy to 10.5kph because I figured I could build in some margin, possibly for error, possibly for a rest. Then I was off, if not quite to the races then at least to a knackering 30 minute effort.

Today’s map was Makuri Islands, but honestly it makes pretty much no difference to me what route it is because unlike on the turbo there is no clever stuff going on with resistance or gradient. Instead it’s just set a pace and run. I don’t adjust the gradient for the hills. Truthfully I’m neither skilled enough to handle varying gradients nor really able to do so technically whilst running. Taking a screenshot is a big enough challenge, and taking a sip of water is a mammoth task.

As is fairly typical for Zwift events, and I guess anything like this in general, the number of participants who start and the number who finish are not equal. I messed up the start of my first run but there were 75 other people taking part. Today, two events later, we set off as a bunch of just 22. Pretty disappointing. I was hoping to be running with a group but that didn’t happen. Within the first 100m the front runners had bolted. By the 1km marker I was able to see a few green blobs on the mini map, and infrequently I’d either slowly creep past someone, or more commonly be overtaken, but that was that. Not the most social of activities. Besides it’s practically impossible to run and use the keyboard so no one speaks.
One good thing I did today was from this video:
I set myself a custom goal. I’d set it to run 5km, so I had a little count down in the top left telling me the estimated time to complete the goal. That was really useful and motivating because it was ticking down below the 30 minute target I had for myself, so it forced me to keep the pace.
When using this goal system it would also pop up little markers every 1km, and at the 4km marker I think it also popped one up at 4.5km too. Again nice and motivating.

Because of the treadmill sensor being very stable I was able to pretty much guarantee my times. Just keep running and each kilometre ran would be the same as the last. The only thing varying was my heart rate. Unsurprisingly that was consistently high. High enough to be a very intensive workout, pretty much at or above my bike race pace which is pretty nuts.
When I hit the 5km marker I had been telling myself I would slow from the 10.5kph I was running at down to 9 or so. But as I had only 500m or so to go I just kept slogging at the same pace, mainly just to get it over and done with.

The interesting and very Zwift thing was that as I got within the final 300m or so and could see the finish line the people behind me noticeable sped up. I couldn’t see how fast they were going for two reasons. One is that on the ipad whilst I’m bobbing up and down I cannot make out the details. The text is simply too small. The other is that I don’t really understand what the numbers are telling me. Lower is faster which is confusing. All I knew is that the green blobs were gaining on me. But I wasn’t racing. It just amused me. Everything on Zwift is a race. Even running. Equally it’s possible they too were quite keen to get the ordeal over with ASAP. And if that is the case I can sympathise.

Overall then I’m really happy with today’s run. I could have kept going for a while longer but equally I was glad to get it done with. I’m certainly not ready for a 10k. Coming in on target and under 30 minutes for the 5k was rewarding. As ever with something new like this I was always going to be setting new PBs frequently and with the treadmill settings being a guarantee I know I could grab another slightly faster 5k by simply nudging the belt speed up from 10.5 to 10.6. For now I’ll stick to the 10.5 though.

The only really disheartening thing, aside from probably not being able to walk tomorrow, is that I only ran for 30 minutes and burned 330ish calories. Compare that to a bike session and I could go harder for longer, with no leg ache. But it’s a new process so it comes with new problems.