As it was so sunny yesterday I decided I would head out to Longridge Fell for a long ride. The route was long (50km) and had almost 800m of climb in there. In hindsight this is easily the longest, hardest ride I have ever done.

Unfortunately I managed to fall off mid way through the ride and have really knackered up my wrist. Typing isn’t as bad as expected, but general stuff like holding a cup, or extending my fingers is massively painful. Thank God for pain killers.
Thankfully I don’t need to do much typing today as this was another VLOG ride.
I definitely over estimated my abilities on this one. 800m of climb is basically a ride in itself, but doing 50km on top of it? It pushed my to my limits.
I’m going to have to keep this super short as typing is killing me. Here’s the rest of the stats:
Hoping that my wrist recovers enough to get on the turbo on Tuesday. Likely a light ride. One where I can sit up, or rest my arm on the bar. I’m not even sure how I managed to complete this ride – essentially doing another 25km and two climbs after falling off. Silly, silly me.