I’d be lying if I said I was in the mood for bike riding today. Up at 5am, couldn’t get back to sleep. By the time I got on the bike at ~10am I already felt like I’d done most of the day… not ideal.
It’s looked like it would rain pretty much since I woke up – but hasn’t yet, and is awfully muggy – so I didn’t fancy going out on the roads in case I got caught in the threatened thunder storm. As I say, another ~8 hours or so later, that hasn’t materialised. No complaints, but the humidity is making me itchy.

I had a choice of what to do today, but the obvious next step was workout #2 in the Zwift Spring Training series. Today’s ride was Endurance Escalator, which is probably most easily explained with a quick screenshot:

The tempo blocks didn’t look too bad – 8 minutes at 205w for me.
The more challenging efforts were the 1, 2, and then 3 repeats of 1 minute at 260w / 110% FTP and 100rpm, with 30 second breathers at 120w / 90rpm. It was really all about trying to get the heart rate down after each rep, such that I began the next at something approaching where I originally began.

But really, not too challenging. Certainly not as intensive as an SST session, in my opinion.
After finishing the workout set I stayed on for another ten minutes to bring it up to an hours ride, and then I was happy to call it a day. It’s a shame in a way not to have gone out, but I’m so bored of my local routes right now that I don’t really regret it. At all.

I might try and ride Tuesday and Wednesday, and take Thursday / Friday as rests this week.