I think I’m a bit late to the party on this one. Rather than do another FTP Builder session today I was looking for something slightly more intensive. But, not SST. That one still frightens me 🙂
Spring Training was one of the top items on the menu, so I tried that out. I picked the Longer workout, which would be three blocks of 10 minutes @ 90rpm, raising from 80 to 90% FTP. Not too intensive, really. Pretty much ideal for what I was looking for.

The one thing I had in mind was to try to hit 40km today, as that would take me to 100km on the week. Now, that’s not a true 100km. Zwift distance is nonsense, really. But I missed a riding day mid-week due to work commitments, so wanted to bring up the overall time on the bike as much as possible, whilst still fitting this in with my other daily Saturday chores.
The workout was pretty uneventful really. As above, not too difficult and shorter than most by 10 minutes. Maybe the next few in the series will be harder.

On the plus side I got to watch a good half hour of the Giro d’Italia during the ride. All of the finish.
After the workout was complete I stayed on, pushing for 10 minutes at, or near to, my maximum sustainable pace. I hadn’t intended to do 10 hard minutes, but it looks – from the post ride graph – that this is what I did. Well, 11 minutes 7s, according to intervals.icu.

Even so, I was absolutely cooked after that and very glad to ease off. A further ~9 minutes wouldn’t have been fun. But I do need to do another FTP test ASAP, because right now I fear my numbers are just wrong.
Anyway, that’s something to look forwards to. For now, it’s late and I am ready for a nice relaxing bath.