Workout #4 in the Zwift Spring Training series for today. Has it been four weeks already? Madness.
I feel like this was the most intensive session so far, but maybe my mind is playing tricks.

Going into this one, the Zwift Companion App didn’t do a particularly good job of describing the intervals. Here’s what we actually did:

Each five minute block is increasingly more challenging, and again, that was not obvious from the Zwift Companion App when I looked.
The one saving grace is the 2.5 minute recovery blocks between each set. And I needed them today.

The challenge here is that the first block feels tough.
Mentally, after that first effort, I was ready for the rest but thinking hey, things only get harder from here.

The second block feels like there’s still a long way to go.
Fortunately on screen in game, there was basically no difference for me between blocks two and three. However, apparently they are different, so if your FTP is high, the difference will likely be more noticeable.

The last block was probably the easiest, in some ways.
Knowing the workout would be over by the end of it was enough of a mental factor to help push through. Also the on-screen prompts suggested keeping a higher cadence (+10rpm) over usually for that one, which whilst leading to a higher heart rate, did feel easier on the legs … in some small way.

Overall though, a fairly challenging workout today. A good length, a decent level of exertion, and a good variety to the activity.
Definitely one of the better Zwift workouts that I have done.

Next week’s session is billed as improving my VO2 Max. It feels like every ride I do lately is that sort of thing, what with all the racing and so on. But it’s something to book into the schedule. One less thing for me to think about.