This afternoon I completed yet another Sweet Spot Training session, opting this time to hit Richmond Reverse.
Being as it was my first time on Richmond Reverse – or Richmond in general, since the recent revamp – I have taken a bunch more screenshots than usual for an SST session.

My initial comments on this new route would be that:
- Graphically, it certainly looks a lot better;
- Route wise, it’s definitely different in reverse;
- And boy, was it … dead!
OK, a little more on each point.
Visually, they really have completely reworked this map. It looks much, much better. Previously it was rather lifeless. I always thought the second half of the map (the hill section) was vastly more interesting than the first half (the flat part).
That opinion still stands, with most of the new interesting visual stuff being around the hill sections. I figure they think we are going slower up the hills, so we might as well have more stuff to look at.
I kinda like the extra details, but some of them are so re-used over several maps that I really feel Zwift should invest – just a smidge more – in some variety. That same blue car. That same red petrol station. That same train.
There are some unique things, like grain silos, trucks, and boats, and maybe I’m not supposed to be paying that much attention to the visuals, but come on… this is a game and if every level on the Playstation looked the same, we’d soon get bored af.

Route wise, riding Richmond in reverse feels really different.
One thing that I think the map makers should have done is moved the start point of the reverse route.
I really like the fact that Richmond (forward route) starts flat. As a race circuit it means the pack can find a steady pace, maybe conserve a bit for the 3 climbs ahead.
However on the reverse route it’s BOOM into the first descent, then a grinding climb. Then a short dip down 22nd street, and BOOSH into the second fairly brutal climb.
22% gradient? OK then.
Much like Richmond Forward route, it’s that third climb that’s the true leg sapper (imo).
The first two have the KOM’s to keep you keen. The third, well… in this case it’s a long grinding effort. What was the place you might grab some rest after the flat section, descending towards the grain hopper, then turn back to the first KOM. Now, in reverse, it’s not quite so much fun. And a lot less relaxing.
Anyway, I was doing this as an SST session so I didn’t really get to experience the true grit of the hills today.
Then my last point. The route was… dead!
The forward route was packed. I’d guess at thousands of riders. But those choosing to do the reverse? Maybe 10? 20 at an absolute max?
Kinda weird. I put it down to either people not knowing the reverse route is available, or more likely, Zwift not having any start points to do the reverse route. You literally have to choose the route you want, then use the App to do a U-turn.
Another Zwift UX master stroke!
One downside to doing an SST session on a route with ~130m of climb per lap is that I’m not going to cover that much distance. Combine this with having done a ride on RGT Cycling this week instead of every day on Zwift and my weekly stats aren’t looking great.
I’m not that bothered about this. I have done over 100km now on the week (103km to be precise), and have another Zwift ride planned for tomorrow morning. So should be fine. I do like to hit that 100km weekly Zwift goal.

The Zwift blurb for SST says I should be able to ride this session over and over and gradually watch my FTP rise over time.
At this point I would say that this session is not that taxing to me. I like it, as it feels like a solid workout in ~50 minutes. But I’m a little conscious that maybe I should be pushing myself a tad harder?
That said, I don’t want to push myself to exhaustion. I’d considered doing the 2×15 minute FTP intervals, which this SST session always recommends at the end of the workout. But that session is more intense, and should apparently be done after an easy, or rest day.
I figured if I did that, I wouldn’t be quite so keen about tomorrow…

So what about tomorrow then?
Well, I’m hoping to be up, and sufficiently motivated to do a repeat of the Tour of Fire and Ice Hilly Race.
Last time that race took me just shy of 2 hours to complete, of which 1h 11m 44s was spent on the climb up the Alpe du Zwift.
I’ve seen several people on Reddit mention doing the AdZ in less than an hour recently. I’d be happy to beat 1h 10m tomorrow.
So that’s the plan. I’m not setting the alarm, as Sunday is my one and only day of the week where I get to have proper lie in. Should I choose too.
But if I am up, I’m going to get involved.
And if I’m not up, I’m going to do the AdZ anyway, but just not as a race.
At least, that’s the plan.
To be honest, I’m kinda shocked that it’s already been 4 months since I last did the AdZ. It feels like I did it more recently. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking. However, I have done some hard climbs since then, so it’s not quite as lazy as it sounds.