Tonight’s ride was all about Emily’s Short Mix. With only forty minutes, give or take, to get some exercise, I’m not aware of a better bang for buck than 30 minutes with Emily.

Although I’ve ridden three times this week, I’ve only managed 59km (including this ride). Considering the “burn” I felt in the tops of my thighs during this ride, it feels like I should have more kilometers to show for it.
Had I had more time this evening I think I would have opted for a ride on RGT cycling. Or, had I had trouble with that again, a true free ride to work on cadence.

One thing that I noticed during this ride was that the yellow intervals at 200w had me riding between 2.8w/kg and 2.9w/kg, and the red 230w intervals had me at 3.3w/kg. I’m wondering if my recent drop from 72kg to 71kg has given me that slight bump on output at or around FTP.
On the subject of weight loss, whilst I have been monitoring it loosely, it was / has never been my goal. I’m happy to see my weight go down slightly from where I started (74kg?) but I truly predominantly attribute this to having cut out alcohol during the week. A beer a night is a bad habit to get into.

With only 300 calories burned today I’d be surprised if I covered off the dinner time “salad” I make for myself. The issue is that I go rather heavy on the cheese. A man’s got to live. Still, it’s 300 more than sitting on the sofa.

Unless I have a sudden change of heart (unlikely) tomorrow will be a rest day. That’s something of a silly move in some ways as from now on, I’m going to be working from home on Thursdays. Maybe this will impact my riding schedule. Potentially I could still get up at 6 but do a ride for an hour rather than waste my time sat in traffic.

Anyway, given my lack of time, I’m happy to have had some time on the bike today.

I’m looking forward to a proper ride at the weekend. It used to be that 30 minutes was my limit. Now it feels frustratingly short. Funny that.