For this evenings ride I took on a Sweet Spot Training workout, using Fuego Flats route to clock up as many kilometers as possible during the workout.
Yesterday was an intensive yet low distance start to the week, so I have plenty of catching up left to do.
There really isn’t too much to report on about this ride.
One thing I will say is I felt a bit … I don’t want to say nervous but maybe apprehensive about this ride on the way home. There’s no denying that it’s hard work, and my thighs were still feeling used after yesterday’s ride.
Still, no rest for the wicked.

One positive to take from this session was that by-and-large, I kept up a high cadence throughout.
Strava has me down as a 97rpm average, which is high by my standards. I continue to work on this in every workout.
At the end of the structured training on this ride I was just shy of 30km, so put in the last few KM’s at a high cadence, just to see what would be the outcome of pushing at high RPM’s in the gear I’d been warming down in.

I’m thinking of maybe taking an easy / recovery style ride tomorrow, still on a flat-ish surface to get down the 100km riding goal.
After this, I may very well attempt the 2×15’s recommended at the end of this workout.
I took a look yesterday and it’s do-able within an hour.

My only concern with doing this on a Saturday is that if I thrash my legs, will I be up for a climb on Sunday?
I guess in some ways it would make more sense to structure my training goals so that I take an easier ride on Saturday, and maybe push the 2x15s tomorrow night. But then I have had 2 harder workouts both yesterday and today, and that workout is recommended to be done after an easy or rest day.

30km on the board. That takes me to 51/100km for the week.
I also smashed through 500+ calories. Always a bonus midweek.

I’m going to have to do at least 2x25km rides to meet the goal this week, as I did not plan to Zwift on Sunday.
That said, I could do a 10km warm up on Zwift…

After writing this out I’m probably more confused about what to ride tomorrow than when I started.
I guess I’ll wait and see how the legs feel on the drive home.