I came. I sprinted. The best I could manage was seventh.
Darn it.
That’s basically the story for today’s ride.

Actually this ride was split in two.
Two fine rides.
I had a long meeting at 2pm which was scheduled to run till 3.30pm. During this meeting I am never required to talk, and there’s ~80 people on the call, all vastly more important than I. As such, it always seems like a perfect time to cruise around on the bike, with the meeting playing as I roll.
So today, that’s what I did.
I managed to get in ~38 minutes of riding during the meeting before I needed to jump off … for another meeting.

After the second meeting, I went back on Zwift to finish off the hour.
During the second ride – technically all one ride, I just parked up whilst waiting – I went for it on the sprint.
And I do mean I went for it. This was a max effort for me.
Sadly though, only good enough for 7th overall. And effectively a second off the pace, so I don’t think, even with me at my all time best, could I have hoped to claim the green jersey today.
Still, as ever it’s a target. Not a hard target – well, actually a very hard target, but not one I hold myself too as expecting that one day I will get it. At best I think I could shave maybe two tenths off that time, but it would take a Herculean effort on my part to break below 11 seconds.
Anyway, all in today has felt like a weird day. That’s why the graph looks weird. I wasn’t in the mood for this one, really.
I couldn’t go for a harder session as there was always the risk of being interrupted.
But also I interviewed for a role this morning and it turns out I don’t want that job. Yet I have been given a second interview and it’s caused my anxiety all last night and all today, too. Combine that with the inevitable bad nights sleep pre-interview, and having to work hard during the day as normal, and I’m feeling all over the shop.
Interesting day really. Taught me a few things about myself. Sadly none of them are bike related.
Oh, to win the lottery and just have the freedom to ride whenever and wherever I want.