If I’m being completely honest, I did not want to get on the bike this evening.
Even though I only had a light workout planned, it still would have been preferable to have a rest day.
My legs are really feeling it, and I’m almost certain it’s because of my messed up riding schedule for the week. Typically I would take Friday off, but due to annoying mid-week work commitments, I ended up riding the last 4 days.
For this ride I used Zwift’s 10-12wk FTP Builder program, repeating Week 8 Day 1.
This is a low intensity effort, consisting of 5 repeated intervals of 7 minutes at 130w, with a 1 minute breather between at 100w.
I’ve often wondered what Active Recovery is really all about, and with a little bit of reading it looks like tonight’s ride was exactly that.

The primary aim of this ride was to reach the 100km weekly riding goal.
I could probably have skipped today and done a short-ish warm up tomorrow morning, and still made the goal.
Anyway, tomorrow is supposed to be about a climb. I still intend to do so, but I’m a little concerned with how I’m currently feeling. I don’t expect to be setting any new records, but the workout is really all that matters.
For this ride I used the Tick Tock route, which I completed the full circuit of.
Then I did a U-turn.
Zwift fails hard on U-turns on this route. It’s the second time I’ve tried, and it’s the second time it’s gone completely wrong.
In the end I had to manually “steer” using the app.
That said, in my opinion there are some of the nicest sights on Zwift when riding this route in reverse. Two of which are pictured above.

As I was finishing my ride a huge pack went past me in the other direction. Not sure what group that was, but it was a biggy.
Any ideas?

I’m happy enough to have completed this ride. I very nearly called it a day at 20km.
429 calories? I’ll take it.

My plan for tomorrow is to hit a hill on Tacx Software. The next hill in the list, whatever that may be.
Unfortunately I haven’t solved my screen recording issues, so it’s going to be a pink one. See the linked post above if that makes no sense.

Probably shouldn’t have spiked it at the end there.
I just wanted to reach 30km, having ended the workout at about 29.something.
Likely did more harm than good there.

OK, tomorrow to do, and then a well earned rest.