Righty, here’s the deal. I’m thrashed. This 24 rides in a row sounds great on paper, but I didn’t think it through.
Part of the problem is that I have a saddle sore on my ass that won’t go because I’m not resting it. And another part of the problem is my recent dip in fitness doesn’t like this harsh wake up call.
But I will get through this.

Today was a yet another short recovery session. These are pretty much just a box ticking exercise. I mean, 200 calories burned is better than none, and it’s all kilometers on the clock. But I’m not gaining anything from these sessions.
I’m hoping to do something a little different tomorrow. This may involve signing up to The Sufferfest and starting a new program on there. I don’t know. Finding new and interesting things to do every day is proving challenging in itself.
A better plan might have been to create a riding plan up front, that way I wouldn’t have needed to think.
What I’d like to do tomorrow is some kind of group ride or workout. Just something social for a change. I’d also like to do a race. I’m nowhere near at my best, but you can’t beat the race based workouts. And they are interesting and, in their own unique way, a lot of fun.
But no denying it. Rest days are important.