Friday night riding? Not unheard of by any means. But riding on your birthday? Well, maybe outdoors, but indoor on the turbo? It’s not the most fun you could be having. That said, 2020 isn’t the most fun I could be having either. It’s been a shocker of a year.
So, all things considered, maybe exercising before scoffing down a bunch of fatty pizza slices wasn’t such a bad idea.
I decided I’d take an easy ride today. Essentially 60 minutes at 114w, or true recovery pace. All good. A bit boring, but another 30km or so on the clock.

Towards the end of this one I suddenly found myself in a bit of a strange spot. I saw a guy pass me by the name of S. Richardson. I was convinced it must be the Simon Richardson, of GCN fame. I tried to change my camera angle to see if he was in a GCN kit as he approached, but accidentally managed to skip the last 5 minutes of my 60 minute workout in the process.
And it turned out to be an imposter. Sam Richardson. Devious.
Anyway, at that very moment, I got swamped by a huge clump of riders. It didn’t immediately register as to why, but soon CoCo Cadence ambled past, so I decided why not take a jolly with the pacer bot to make up the final 5 minutes.
I think they’ve made some small changes to the pacer bots since my last ride. It was easier to see the bot now – at least, when it was in front of me. But the UX of the UI is still messed up. Anyway, it made it more fun than having to free ride by myself.
That’s now 5 days in a row.
Tomorrow is going to be some kind of group ride – I hope. Not sure what, just yet. It all depends on when I wake up, and what’s on offer around that time.
Worse case, I’ll do a session by myself. Possibly a higher paced 20 minute tempo ride. I’m a little conscious of not overdoing it, given that I still have 19 days of consecutive riding ahead. Don’t want to go overboard and ho-ho-blow it.