The aim of this ride was to just about tick over into tempo, or be at the higher end of endurance.
Typically my Saturday rides as of late have been harder climbing rides. I’ve not fared particularly well on those, but that wasn’t the reason for today’s swap.
The idea today was simply to take it easier than usual, ahead of doing the FTP test this week.
I’m off the bike tomorrow, but will be doing a ~10km walk as per usual.
Then Monday is rest day.

Tuesday is looking like the test day. I haven’t mentally confirmed that with myself yet, but there’s not much time left to put this off before the end of September / Quarter 3.
All being well, Tuesday will be the day.
I have to say I wasn’t exactly on it today, even with the easier pace. It wasn’t even my legs. I think it was the cold weather. The thought of getting into just my bib shorts, having the window open, and even with the fan off it was super chilly for the first 10 minutes.
Things did then heat up, as they always do.
Anyway, that’s me for today. I’m not feeling amazing, but I hope a little dip now will somehow turn into a stunning performance on the big day.
A man can dream.