Here we go then into the last six riding days of the Advent of Cycling 2022 challenge that I have set for myself. The end is in sight at last.
Today has been weird. I knew it would be.
By the time I got on my bike – much earlier than usual – I had already had a busy day dealing with hastily exiting my day job. Fun times. Sixty minutes at Zone 2, watching the penultimate episode of GCN’s Zwift Academy 2022 series was just the ticket for decompressing. Unfortunately I’ve had the result spoiled for me, but I think the way it was edited strongly hinted at the two winners anyway.

Picking a new route in order to collect another badge, today’s ride was on Makuri Island’s Island Outskirts giving 90m or so of climb per lap. That meant coming towards the end of the ride I hadn’t quite hit on the 30km I aim for, so added a tad on to the end.
Already I’m looking ahead to tomorrow’s race. No excuses for this one, but I should have plenty of time to get on, get warmed up and give it my best shot. Having looked at the map, I wish I hadn’t. This one is the longest race yet, taking in 25km but only 100m of climbing. I’m expecting this one to be rapid. Stage 4 looks wilder still… but fortunately (?) that one comes after Christmas.

So yeah, a race tomorrow and then I’m hoping to get outdoors for at least one ride before Christmas. I did this as my final ride 2 years ago, and it was a memorable one. Weather dependant, I’d like to do the same this year.