The weather person (or robot, probably) predicted a 90% chance of rain today, and I can unhappily confirm they were spot on. It’s rained for about 90% of the day.
So no outdoors riding for me.
It did stop, briefly, around 4pm – about the time I got on Zwift. But I didn’t fancy getting wet from road juice, and besides, shortly after it started up again. Vindication!
Anyway, it’s due to not rain tomorrow. Hopefully the moon dries out the wet roads over night and I can get out early tomorrow. I quite fancy a trip up Jeffrey Hill, but we shall see.
As it was today, this was by and large a very average, boring, and dull ride. The only thing of note was jumping up to 152w for the blue blocks, due to the recent FTP increase. This is up from 145w previously. I can’t say I even noticed it.
Mostly I spent the time watching YouTubes and occasionally trying to get a nice “photo” / screenshot for the blog.
Anyway, here’s hoping for a more outdoorsy ride tomorrow.