Probably wouldn’t have gone out today, truth be told, had it not been for knowing I needed ~30km to hit the weekly 100km riding goal. Tomorrow is a bit of an odd day and chances of riding a long one are not good, so it was either now or, possibly, never.
Anyway, it was nice and sunny and that’s as good an excuse as any to get outdoors. So off I went, not really knowing what I’d do, but hoping to pass, or at least get close to 30km.
In the end I decided to head out to Longridge, do the little town climb there and then head back. That’s a nice, fairly flat route with – crucially – fairly wide open roads that gives traffic a good amount of room to safely pass me. Unusually for me, I did opt to head out that way via one of my least favourite country roads – full of blind bends and fast cars. Hate that road. But made it down there intact.
What I’m now hoping to do is take a much more relaxed ride tomorrow morning. I need to be back by 10:45, so ideally I need to be out by 9-ish, with the intention of being out for ~1 hour and doing somewhere in the region of 20km. That’s a recovery ride, maybe a visit to the park, who knows?
The suns looking good for the week ahead and I’m off now until next week. Happy days.