Had my first covid jab today – pfizer, in case you are wondering. Anyway, after queueing outside for 20 minutes, then inside for another 20 minutes, then getting rekt in the arm and having to sit down for 15 minutes… I ended up with a bit of a dead arm, one I wouldn’t want to jolt on the potholes of Preston.
Besides, it was raining, and I had to attend (or at least, listen to) a meeting from 4pm till 5pm.
So, I went for a Zwift session. I could largely sit upright, keep the pressure off my arm, get in a workout and still listen to the meeting. Many birds were killed with one stone, highly efficient.
Thankfully I appear to be feeling OK, but didn’t want to risk anything too strenuous. As such I went for a recovery ride, one of the FTP Builder sessions, which it feels like I haven’t done for ages.
It really felt different doing an indoor session for a change. Zwift didn’t seem quite so dull. Having music on was a refreshing change, and the ERG / structure kept me in check.
Starting out, I was a little concerned I’d find it hard to ramp up the revs. I was hanging around the high 80s to low 90s, but shortly into it I found a decent clip at (or around) 95rpm. Really nice to spin like that again. Frankly I prefer the higher cadence stuff over the grind. Always have.
Apart from that, slept badly last night and what with work and the jab, it feels like it’s been a long day. As such I’m bowing out, and having an early night. Not sure what will happen tomorrow. Can’t believe it’s almost Friday already. I’d be up for another Zwift session tomorrow – maybe something a little more intense. Or ideally, outdoors of course. Weather, and arm permitting.