A nice easy session today, just the hour at 160w / 65% FTP for me.
Today I took my work laptop with me on the ride as I had two sticky bugs to fix up that I hadn’t managed to resolve before my lunch break.
By the time I’d finished figuring out these two issues I’d nailed 25 minutes of my ride.
The second half was spent on my personal laptop watching YouTube. Still, I find the time doesn’t pass quickly on these endurance rides.

Having that table is proving very handy. It holds my bottle, earphones case, phone, multiple laptops… all very practical indeed. Whilst it is a bit of an eye sore it does come in useful enough that I can live with it.
Beyond that then today it was a pretty uneventful ride. It’s good to know though that following the same sort of strategy in this GCN video that I’m definitely right doing at least one of these Zone 2 rides per week.

Towards the end I got swallowed up by the D cat Pace Partner so ended up in a massive bunch. Ride on’s galore.
Oh, and one bad thing today is that the boiler leaked over night – so aside from the damage caused, I haven’t yet been able to have a post-ride shower. Just a cold wash. Delightful.
Hopefully all that’s resolved by tomorrow when I’m aiming to do Event #2 of the Tour of Makuri Islands. This will be a race… so should be fun.