Meetings. We all love them, I’m sure.
Unfortunately they have a real tendency to mess up my riding schedule. I tried to plan around them today, but ended up with next to no time to get my work done, let alone get in a midday bike ride.
As such I opted for something that looked appropriate – time-wise – rather than something that necessarily best fit my current training plan.

What I need are long, low intensity workouts. Long, by my standards being an hour. And low intensity meaning endurance pace – so 160w, and whatever that works out as in watts per kilo.
Instead, I ended up doing a workout called Lunar Light, which just seemed to be all over the shop. Intervals of odd lengths, some low cadence stuff, some ramps that weren’t really intuitive to follow… it was a bit messy. Not helped at all by having to change, shower and eat in the 30 minutes that include a 19 odd minute workout.

A bit nuts.
I’m kinda hoping to get in a ride after work tomorrow, all being well. Again, nothing intensive, but I feel like I ought to make up some lost time. Or something.
However, equally I feel the need to rest. Mentally I’m more tired than physically at the moment. Early night? It’ll never happen.