After Thursday’s SST session, I have been feeling so tired in my legs that Friday had to be skipped as a matter of common sense. I can’t believe how much that ride took it out of me. I’ve done 70km+ outdoor rides, 3-4 hours on the bike, and not felt as tired the next day. Kinda worrying.
From the intro text on Zwift, and from my previous experiences with SST, I should be able to do that ride every 24 hours, without too much difficulty. Not so with that one at the moment. It really whooped me, it seems. I think that highlights a wider issue for me at the moment, one I will cover in my next weekly review.
Getting on the bike today was a chore. Saturday, so dressing gown till lunch time. But, what with corona virus and work from home, that’s basically my life anyway as of late. Take off the dressing gown for the daily video conference call, then pop it straight back on once the call is over.
To be honest, it’s gone suddenly cold here and with a bad nights sleep behind me, I was tired and not wanting to get my cycling kit on. As such, I did get my kit on but I kept a t-shirt on for the first 5+ minutes of the ride. Normally I just wear bib shorts and not a lot else.

I picked this ride as I wanted a fairly easy ride, but I couldn’t handle yet another blue zone ride for an hour. This one looked to have a tad more variety. In hindsight I think I may have done this one before.
The workout overview showed lots of 115w kinda stuff. It appealed to my laziness.
And then when I got on, it turned out to be lots of ramp ups starting at 115w, but with the majority of the work at a higher tempo.

Anyway, it wasn’t so bad. Once the legs de-stiffened (not a word), I was glad to be back on the bike. In truth I could likely have wimped out for several days longer before my legs fully “recovered”, but often times the best medicine is just getting back on and giving it a spin.
For once in a very long while (as best I recall) I met my weekly 3 hour riding goal on Zwift. What a result! Hey, I’ve been lazy this week. I’m just not feeling great lately. 3 hours is better than nothing right now.
Tomorrow will be some kind of ride. Of that, I have no doubt. Maybe a Zwift Academy ride – though I can’t find a group ride for workout #4 on the events list.
I don’t fancy a 9am start, and given how my legs feel at the moment, a race is probably a really bad idea. But that said, I haven’t done a race in ages and I’m getting to the point where I’m anxious about it. The best remedy for that is just to do it, get beat, and get on with life, right?