One thing I groaned and moaned about since coming back from a week off the bike is that I’ve felt stiffer now than I ever expected too. To be honest, I thought I’d feel so much fresher, just generally refreshed and raring to go. Mentally that is very much the case, but boy howdy my legs are not on the same page.
If the weather had been just a touch nicer, and I’d had more than an hour spare, I would have gone out for a ride today. Unfortunately I misjudged the time, and the roads looked still quite damp so I decided to go for an easier ride on this one, with the thought to doing something a bit more strenuous tomorrow.
By the time I got off the bike today the roads had dried even further. That gives me some hope that if the rain stays away I can get out tomorrow for a ride over my dinner break.
But for today it was very much just about putting in the time on the bike.

Even if I do get out tomorrow, I am very much aware that I need to be putting in some harder shifts on the bike right now.
I think the week off was great, but I need to get my body back up to that regular, dare I say it, cadence of harder work.
The other thing on my mind right now is, shock horror, doing a bit of running.
I’m kinda really feeling the mood to run. But I need some proper running shoes before I go for it, as otherwise I’m convinced I’ll knacker up my knees. So I’m thinking I might take a punt on some Hoka shoes, which seems to be the ones Sigma Sports keep pushing into my email inbox. Must be good, right, cus they are expensive 😀