Last night I figured I’d do an SST session today, as I thought the weather was going to be inappropriate. Alas, with a bit of sun in the sky, I figured why not do my ride outdoors instead?
For this one I picked the reverse to the “TT” ride I put myself through last Saturday.
Setting out I wasn’t sure whether I’d be pushing myself or not. So I feel the first ten to fifteen minutes of this ride was at a fairly relaxed pace. However, once I had settled into the ride I found myself increasing the effort.
There’s a decent amount of climb in the first half of this ride. It’s not strenuous climbing by any means, but it’s a good uphill slope for a prolonged duration and that’s roughly where I’m at with my riding at the moment. Building that back up.

With the weather so nice and the views so undisturbed by cloud or fog, I was loving the views of the fells – knowing I’d ridden around, behind, and in some cases, up and over a variety of those that I could see. It really is lovely out in the country side on a nice day.
The worse part would be the incessant flies.
This was worse on Thursday, man alive I got hit by about 40 no joke. Today was more like 20 or so. Thank God for sun glasses. However, the odd one will make it through and anything even remotely near my mouth makes me absolutely disgusted. Hate them little buggers.

Press ups wise, I’ve managed my most so far this evening with 82 in 12 minutes 39 seconds. This is up from 47 in 6 minutes 25 seconds a week ago. So nearly doubled my capability in exactly 7 days. Super pleased with this. However I must say, as I type this, my arms are throbbing.
Anyway, all good. Lots to be pleased about this week.
Tomorrow I’m aiming for a more laid back ride, though would still like to get in at least an hour. So, out early I suspect.