Beat The Heat

Oh sweet Lord have mercy, is it hot. But fortunately, at 7.15 this morning, it wasn’t as hot. I mean, it was still fairly hot. Around 17 or 18c, pretty much like a nice weeknight. Except… you know, early in the morning. Madness. After a rather bizarre dream about sharing a swimming pool changing room … Read more

Over Sunders

After a couple of days off the bike, this afternoon I got outdoors and did a reverse route of one I’ve done previously. My left foot is still in a bad way, but fortunately the bone that hurts is clearly not used for cycling as there is no pain within the entire pedal stroke. Talk … Read more

ZWIFT 101: Running – Form Follows Function

Today’s exercise consisted of two separate activities. First up I needed to complete the next Run in the Zwift Running 101 series. The expiry timer has been slowly ticking down on me, and today was my last day. Still two runs left in that series. I’m enjoying it, but when mixed with cycling I’m finding … Read more