Without wanting to burn myself out, but still wanting to get in a solid hour on the bike, the weekly Active Recovery / FTP Builder workout seemed a good way to go.
Ideally I want to do the ramp test.
Well, I say ideally. I actually don’t want to do it at all. But I need to do it.
However, I went a little harder than usual over the weekend, and even with a day’s rest yesterday, I thought it wise to get in a spin session first before giving my best effort tomorrow.
I mean, what better way to hit humpday than with a ramp test, right?
I’m glad we agree.
So whilst today was a boring session, I did manage to get in a viewing of the second episode of the GCN x Zwift Academy 2021 series:
Of course this means they spoiled the whole thing for me by showing me who won. At least in the men’s category anyway.
To be fair, I wasn’t that bothered about knowing. I’d have been far more miffed if they had spoiled this years Great British Bake Off for me. But still. Damn you Sergay.
Anyway, that’s the easy stuff done.
Tomorrow is a new day, and a harder one at that. I’m not expecting to beat my current FTP of 234w. Frankly, I’ll be impressed if I can match it. I also don’t put too much sway in the ramp test. But whatever happens, it will be an interesting interim measurement.
Until then.