Unusual circumstances called for something slightly different to the plan this afternoon.
This week I’ve been feeling the same sorts of pains I had in my chest earlier in the year, back when I had Corona virus. I’ve been hoping that it’s just been something else, but it’s not shifting and I’ve had a cough today. So has my wife. And my kids have had symptoms, and one has been sent home for yet another two week quarantine (fourth since summer) as a kid in the class has it.
So, I’m now worried that I have it. Again.

As such, today I decided I’d ride but take it super, super easy.
I’ve done many rides I’ve classified as active recovery in the past, but really they have been zone 2 or endurance rides.
Today I decided to set up a custom workout of an hour at 125w, with a ten min ramp up, and ten min cool down to book end the ride.
I figured I’d get a ride in, but not push myself… At all. And then assess how I feel.
Well, I feel about the same as I did before I got on the bike. So that’s something.
But had I gone harder I’m worried whether I’d have done damage. Be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow.
Basically if I have to be ill with this virus, but I can still do at least this sort of ride it won’t be unbearable. I’m already finding this lock down much harder than last time as previously I could escape out in the evenings for a ride. Now I’m truly trapped in the house and it’s mentally very different to last time.
On the flip side, as daft as it sounds, it could be acid reflux. I’ve nee hammering the fruit bowls and my delicate constitution doesn’t appreciate it. I’ll have to change up my diet, yet again.
Anyway. Meh. Fingers crossed its not covid and I’m fine after a few days.