Things haven’t gone to plan this week. Perhaps I have pushed myself a little too hard over the proceeding two weeks, or perhaps I was a little over cautious this week.

The gist of it is that on Monday I had sore knees. Knees that felt like if I did any activity on them, I would cause more problems than I need. Essentially whilst it wasn’t at a really bad point, I figured if I did any heavy activity – SST or racing – then I risked causing some damage.
So I took a light week really, switching to walks over rides, but still trying (though not fully succeeding, thanks blisters!) to exercising that way instead of cycling.

Yesterday I felt alright, and perhaps should have ridden. Laziness had crept in by that point. It felt like too late in the day to save the week, so what was an extra day “on the sofa”?
Well, going into this one today I had the lofty ambitions of doing 2 hours to try and claw back something.
Alas, it wasn’t to be. Maybe if I could have ridden outdoors I might have done more. Maybe. We will never know, because it’s been on-and-off thunder showers all day. But it was probably a blessing in disguise as outdoor riding is definitely more taxing all round than the indoor stuff.
That said, I do want to go out tomorrow, if the weather permits.
If it doesn’t I will aim for another similar session tomorrow morning.
Basically just a group ride, and build back up from the base-ics.