Not a technically interesting workout today, but two things came out of it.
The first was that as we had house guests over whilst I was riding, I had to close the door and so the room became a sweat box. This wouldn’t be that bad, had I managed to find a headband before my ride, and had I not needed to actually do some work during the ride.
So I ride with a table now. This table. Only, well not exactly that table. A total rip off of that table, and one that I paid about £50 for if memory serves, versus the £220 that Wahoo want for the exact same thing.
Anyway, that table means I can bring my laptop – or more accurately – my work laptop with me, and carry on working, if needs be.
I don’t often do this. Mostly because why would I?
But today I needed too, and after 30 minutes I had to call it quits because I was dangerously close to destroying a brand new Macbook through perspiration. I doubt my employer is insured for such an occurrence.
Secondly then, I noticed my ride stats were whacko.
Normally the Garmin will report signficiantly lower numbers than Zwift. I’ve clocked it in previous rides at approximately 1km in Zwift is 800m on the Garmin.
Not so today.

Today the Garmin was vastly ahead, which I think means my Garmin stats today are probably wrong across the board – calories & distance, being the main two I track.
Why that is, I am not 100% sure.
But what I did yesterday was muck around with the value that the Garmin is using. Previously it was set to gradient at 1%. I don’t think this matters, because surely Zwift / other platforms control this variable anyway?
However, I’ve now changed this to 0% (as it probably should have been all along), and I’m wondering two things:
- Was this the reason today’s stats are crazy?
- Will this impact any other platforms?
I’ve only got 24 hours to find out #1. I will be back on Zwift tomorrow lunch time for Race Thursdays. Good times. If the numbers come out similar tomorrow, I know it’s that change.
But #2 is more interesting.
If the numbers are now different, does this make other platforms like Sufferfest and similar actually usable for me?
Fingers crossed!