Whoops. So I made a bit of a mistake on my setup recently. Many of my indoor rides for the past month have been in my laptop. There are several reasons for this, but the simplest answer is convenience. My gaming computer is also my office / work computer, and it is turned on 24/7 doing a variety of tasks. I can (and do) interrupt said tasks, but shutting down and starting everything back up is time consuming, and so whilst not as nice an experience, using Zwift on my laptop is just altogether easier.

But the mistake I’ve made is to paid directly to my Tacx Neo, rather than my Assioma Duo power meter pedals. It finally dawned on me today why I’m struggling to meet the wattage targets. I’m getting a 20w (give or take) discrepancy between what the Neo reports and what the Garmin / pedals are displaying. It’s fine on my desktop, but I’d paired the wrong sensors on my laptop. Fail!

Anyway, this does give me some hope that my fitness hasn’t quite taken the nose dive I thought it had. No wonder I’ve found some of these recs t efforts so absolutely killer. I’ve been having tk work extra hard to hit my targets. It’s like I’ve been doing my rides at 110% every time. Oof.

I’ve now corrected the setup problem. I should probably also weigh myself, as I haven’t done thay in several weeks at this point so that could off by several kilos, too. Hopefully not.

This ride today was a little too light on activity for me for the first two thirds. Towards the end, the ride leader dropped the fence as we were heading up the Hilly KOM Forward, and I decided to smash myself for the climb. And that was how I discovered the connectivity difference. I could see I was putting out 330w on the Garmin, but Zwift (courtesy of the Neo) was only seeing 300 to 310w. I didn’t let it stop my effort, but I’d have loved to have seen my time at the higher wattage. Surely a few seconds faster.
That’s my second of the four “elective” requirements for the Zwift Academy 2020 done now. I’d like to get in at least one race for the remaining two, but frankly I’m struggling to find activities at good times for me. I’m aiming to do the remaining 4 workouts over the next 11 days, as my Zwift sub runs till the 12th and I’d like to get everything boxed off before (potentially) switching to The Sufferfest for a good trial instead.