How do you put on weight?
Two meals out in the space of 3 days.
Yep. After all that hard work on Sunday, I feel like I’ve reset the clock with two 3-course meals in a very short period. And likely over the Xmas period, things will only get worse.

Last night I wanted to do a ride like this.
50 minutes of blue zone / 130w @ ~95rpm.
As it was, last night it took me 1h 45m to get home from work (seriously, F commuting), and by the time I was home I didn’t have the time to do an hour plus on the bike.
I didn’t feel too bad about that. I’d had a hard ride on Sunday, so a rest day wouldn’t kill me.

Tonight’s ride should have been about 1h 20m I think. In the end I did 8 minutes of the 10 minute warm up, skipped the last two minutes, then did the two 25m @ 130w intervals back to back, skipping both the 10 minute @ 100w rest blocks.
This was partly because I don’t need 10 minutes in between, and partly because I really needed to be off the bike and out of the door by 6:10.
With my family out already, I had the house to myself.
Normally this would mean loud music, but tonight I swapped this for some computer programming training videos. Now, that’s living.
As it was, it was a fairly effective use of my time. Two birds, one stone, and all that.

Ok, so even though this was light pedalling I managed to get 450 calories burned. Happy about that.

Putting 32km on the board on the first ride of the week, also really happy with that.

I’m a little disappointed that the heart rate crept up as high as it did. Still lots of room for improvement here.
All the heart rate monitor drop outs are, I think, as a result of me constantly alt+tabbing in and out of game. I’ve seen it do that before.

In truth I’d have liked to have ridden the Tacx Software video rides tonight. But seemingly I haven’t activated my account properly, somehow, as it put me in demo mode. Also it wouldn’t let me download the videos – it kept bombing out every 5% of the download or so.
Not a great experience on that front, so far.

Short and sweet tonight.
Tomorrow night will very likely be Sweet Spot Training.
Until then!