Monday. It should be a rest day, but during the Advent of Cycling challenge I am doing shorter workouts. Today’s ride was Control the Burn workout from Zwift’s Less than 30 minutes to burn category.
As ever with these short workouts there is a lot happening in a condensed timeframe. Today was definitely no exception.

The way this works is ramp > steady > ramp > steady.
The Zone 2 breathers between the blocks are 20 seconds, over in a flash. Though to be fair, at 20 minutes the entire workout is over really quickly.

Unfortunately I had a bunch of issues today.
The most frustrating was the number of times my equipment lost connection – and not always at the same time either:

So whatever was happening, it was affecting more than just the bike. As a major problem I couldn’t get my fan to turn on. I have connected my fan to a smart plug which allows me to leave my fan plugged in and powered on, but then I can remotely turn the fan on using an app on my phone. Really cool… no pun intended, until it doesn’t work. Which, thankfully, is rare.
In the end I did the workout sans fan, and so yes, control the burn was real. I was dripping by the end of it, even with the window open and the temperature outside down to -3c.
Hopefully all of these technical issues are resolved now I’ve rebooted the various networking devices in use in this room. If this had happened during tomorrow’s race then it would have been an extremely frustrating disaster.

All that said, the workout itself… well, like I say, it’s short.
It’s not overly taxing, and with all the distractions honestly I wasn’t giving this one my full attention. Maybe I will repeat it on Friday and give a more detailed write up.
Tomorrow is race day so, hopefully, it will be a stint with the Robo Pacer followed by a new route for me – the Richmond Roller Coaster. I actually really like the Richmond map, so fingers crossed for a good performance.